Are Mobile Apps used more than websites?
Mobile Apps vs Website
For me, a mobile app is a better option than a website. There are so many reasons. One strong reason is “push notification”. Yes, push notification is a revolutionary innovation in the mobile app industry.
It helps you to directly reach your users, which a web site can’t.
Let me give you an example, if you have launched a brand new product or service, then you can directly send a push message to your mobile app users. It can increase your sales and help you to create a brand for brand new product or service.
However, if you post it on the website, then there are fewer chances to get engagement.
Mobile users are very demanding and they are still in a hurry. They won’t wait for your website loading. They check lots of links and bounce off the websites very often.
Why you need a mobile app?
Because this tool boosts your business like no other. Both of these solutions are great but having a website may be not enough today.
Mobile apps can be a great marketing tool for your company. You can achieve brilliant results with your online business
Mobile Apps is always better to Use instead of Websites because once logged in it won’t prompt you to log in again until you forced a logout. Because in an app once you log in, you can use it on your mobile on the go, is faster than opening the site in a browser and also can save the data for offline use.
As they put it: “It’s an App World. The Web Just Lives in It”. This 80%+ figure is a key insight as companies decide whether to develop mobile apps or restrict themselves to mobile-optimized sites.
Read more: http://pykara.net/mobile-app-development/
An APP with good features will surely attract users and users always prefer app first to buy the products they want because it is proven easier compared to the website.
If you are looking for a mobile app for solving your business and making it digital and grow faster, then post an inquiry for your requirement at info@pykara.net. Visit pykara.net for more details. Start your project here
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