Hire a freelancer or a company to develop my Website/App?
IT-outsourcing is a very much discussed issue at this moment. If you are seeking to outsource, but you are not sure of whether to acquire the services of freelancers or a dedicated development company, then here are a few points you must have to take in consideration before hiring development resources.
Freelance Developer-. The problem with Freelancers is that not all of them are very forward thinking. They are here to do a project and then bounce. Some even bounce before the project is done to chase that next big client. You might be left with terrible and incomplete code. Trying to go after them for the remaining project or returning funds would be futile. It will cost more in legal fees than hiring a new developer to finish the code. They work for multiple clients and so their time is split between various projects.
Development Company – They are less likely to drop your project or develop a bad product because a company has a reputation to maintain. If you hire a development team, you get a think-tank, full of ideas and energy to assist you. If it’s all new to you and it is your first startup, working with a team is the best solution for you ever.
When you choose a development team, they would be happy to offer you the latest tools and technologies. It means that you will have less headache and worries about working with a company. If you take a look at the majority of development companies, you will see that they value their reputation. That’s why they care about the products they deliver and the overall satisfaction of customers. Such firms are interested in your positive feedback and will do their best to make you happy.
If you are not satisfied with a developer, you can replace another one within a company. At the same time, a freelancer you don’t like would be much more difficult to replace because you will have to find a new developer and you have all the chances to be stuck with a project halfway.
Every company wants to build long-term relationships with you. Such an approach brings benefits to both parties. You always know that you have a reliable team to help you if something goes wrong and a company prefers working with one client and support products which they’ve built than to search for new clients all the time. It also gives the development team a chance to focus more on the quality of a product.
You will always need support and maintenance services after the release of your product. And it would be perfect if you hired a company who developed this product in the first place. It is a hard task to find someone you can trust your ideas and the future of your business or a startup. A freelancer can handle a small task with one or very few technologies faster and better than a whole company. But, such things as quality, fast bug fixing, flexible development, and ongoing tech support are the matter of survival for startups and complex projects, and companies are much better at this.
Contact us if you have any more questions. We are always here to assist you. Visit pykara.net for more details. Start your project here.
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